martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Fernanda Munguía

Caterdral de Hausburgo en Alemania. web. oct 5.

Why does it represent the history of that time?

This picture is of a Stained Glass, Commonly used in the Byzantine period.
It’s a well demostration of bysantine art because it has a religious meaning. And here you can see the virgin holding with her arms to jesus.

Why does it represent the culture of that time?

It represents the culture of that time because in that period they were all religious and they tried to represent religion in almost all of their art.

Why and what does it represent something you really fond of that time or period.

What I really like about this period is the use of colors and techniques like this stained glass and also the use of mosaics, how they do such a big stuff whit small pieces.
 Also the big imagination they may have to do this type of art. So that's why i really like this period beside the others.

Why do you like that particular artist that much?

Well, I liked this piece of art that much because I founded it interesting and creative, and especially beautiful; because you can appreciate the light from the sun that it’s out side and at the same time that feeling of the Holy Spirit because you are in a church


1 comentario:

  1. OK... you did like your creation, there are enough images to prove it. Good work.

    Atte. Mr. Daniel Castillo
